“At the rate of progress since 1800, every American who lived in the year 2000 would know how to control unlimited powers.” – Henry Adams, 1907

When did the clock start ticking and the calendar begin? After 5 months circling the USA in the video bus, Termite TV returns to Philadelphia just in time for the millennium rollover. With the future now the present, what is your role in the revolution of 2000? Get your “Go Bag” ready!
Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Opening Titles Bob Hering
Y2k Explanation Michael Kuetemeyer featuring Joshua Copping
Looking Backwards Dorothea Braemer text: Edward Bellamy published in 1887 Actress: Corinna Burns
Kids 1 Melanie Ekpaji with 7th grade students of Barrat Middle School
Go Bag Michael Kuetemeyer featuring Daniel Kuetemeyer
Same Farm for 51 years Anula Shetty featuring Lillian and Ed Barath
Unlimited Power Michael Kuetemeyer interviews with Carlos Conti, Jim Sawyer, Ted Biro and Joshua Copping.
Apartment Countdown Carl Lee
Hollywood Sign Meryl Perlson and Jim Ospenson
Millennial Dayenu Written by: Wendy Surinsky
Kids 2 Melanie Ekpaji with 7th grade students of Barrat Middle School
Global Responsibility featuring Tari Mattox
Kids 3 Melanie Ekpaji with 7th grade students of Barrat Middle Schoo
TV Countdown Michael Kuetemeyer
Flashlight shaving Casey Wooden music: “Rock around this Space” by Flaming Pop Tarts