Latest Past Events

The Flat Imagination Workshop: Permacomputing & p5js

Cherry Street Pier 121 N Christopher Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia

Join us for a workshop into how p5js can be used to create digital poetry works and performances featuring Warren C. Longmire with Betty’s Eyes and William Hazard Participants are invited to bring their own laptops or to come enjoy, interact and absorb, as we dive into an accessible introduction to permacomputing and practice with […]


Digital Music Workshop with Lorne Peart

Join us in collaboration with Philly Cam for a Digital Music Workshop series on Wednesdays 6-8pm from May 22nd to June 19th using field recordings to make and mix music together. You can register at the Philly Cam Website.

Fungus Garden: Poetry Workshop with Julia Lopez

Join us for a poetry workshop where participants will explore themes of the undergrowth-understory and generate poems for our upcoming exhibition at Termite Tv Collective Register at our Julia Lopez is a Theater Artist and Poet. She Graduated from Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT.  Attended the Eugene O’Neill National Theater Institute, her last year […]