Rule by the People. A country with a government that has been elected freely and equally by all its citizens. A voice and a choice! From voting to activism, consumerism to citizenship, Termite Tv seeks truth to power in Democracy.
Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Wander Find Wood Mike Kuetemeyer Music: Kid Stoner
Street Interviews Jamese Wells, Serena Reed, Jim Schneider, Dorothea Braemer, Deborah Rudman
Confusing The Ballot Dorothea Braemer, Deborah Rudman Stephanie Rothenberg
Good Faith Effort Joanna Raczynska
Adapt Jim Glozier, Deborah Rudman
Steve Kurtz Jim Fetterley, Angie Waller, Meg Knowles, Carl Lee, Dorothea Braemer, Deborah Rudman
Flag Story Dorothea Braemer, Deborah Rudman Karima Amin
The Patriot And The Nationalist Brian Milbrand, Meg Knowles
Detroit Election Bill Brown