The second installment of critical looks at notions of justice and transgression. The shooting of polar bears, a voyeuristic jumping man, and Galileo’s criminal act of positing a heliocentric universe are some of the more unusual instances of crime and punishment we examine here. How do we punish our dogs; how do we punish ourselves? The show concludes with a look at the efforts of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union in their protest of the crime taking place against the working poor as a result of “welfare reform.”
Coordinating Producers: Dorothea Braemer Carl Lee
Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Open with Bike TV Landon Lynch and Margot Coles
Nice that I am Meeting You Johannes Kassenberg and Klaus Reinelt Katja Schoenberg and Klaus Reinelt Actors
Pain Perception Michael Kuetemeyer
Crime Darren Floyd
Punishment Keiichi Kondoh
Dog Days Valerie Keller
Teddy and Lucy Dorothea Braemer and Carl Lee
Nietzsche Quote
Where is Mama Neal Mates
Graffiti Ryan Saunders
Walk the Walk Dorothea Braemer Sarah Haskey, Thilo Marg, Dina Mendros, Andres Nicolini, Ann Marie Rosas, Debbie Rudman, Karen Smith, Mark Toscani and Kennsington Welfare Rights Union
Credits Ann Marie Rosas Music