When the promiscuous virgin visits the continents everyone contemplates their own virginity; how they lost it, what they gained and where to go from there. In India, the Promiscuous Virgin searches for the cosmic egg and finds a hairbrush instead… This show makes you wonder: Am I promiscuous or am I still a virgin?

dorothea braemer Coordinating Producer

Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Friend urging Friend to Lose Virginity Dorothea Braemer Nannette Wyzov Community Member
Peanut Butter Chunks Michael Kuetemeyer    
The Wolf and the Maiden Dorothea Braemer Maria Youle & Roger Quon Community Member
Pixel Vision Virgin Michael O’Reilly Muriel Segal Quotes from “Virgins, reluctant, dubious & avowed”
Friend willing to take friendÕs virginity Dorothea Braemer Bill Zell Interview
Album Ashraf Meer    
Adult Sexuality Karen Lefkovitz    
Peanut Butter Chunks pt 2 Michael Kuetemeyer    
Friend with Sausages Dorothea Braemer Carolyn Placke Community Member
Cosmic Egg Anula Shetty    
Friend Upset that Friend Lost Virginity Dorothea Braemer Bill Zell Interview
Ruminations and Advice from Dr. Abbey Polk Shashwati Talukdar Megan Wall & “Jimmy Model” Actor