
Termite TV Collective makes media to challenge rigid structures through formal disruption, experimental methods, and community engagement. Just as the subterranean termite tears away at structural foundations through ingenuity and collective practice, Termite TV Collective believes that an expanded visual language is the vehicle for imagining new futures and provoking new thinking on pressing issues of our time. We work collectively and collaboratively, encouraging the freedom to explore with a sense of playfulness, spontaneity, and discovery. Through individual expression radiating out from common themes, Termites co-create space for idea sharing and collective world-building.

Termite TV is funded in part by The Philadelphia Cultural Fund, The Independence Public Media Foundation, and individual donors.

“a peculiar fact about termite-tapeworm-fungus-moss art is that it moves always forward, eating its own boundaries, and likely as not, leaves nothing in its path but evidence of eager, industrious, unkempt activities”…… – manny farber

Termite TV Portals artists

Board Members:

Aggie Ebrahimi Bazaz

Alan Powell

Anula Shetty

Deborah Rudman

Laura Deutch

Mike Kuetemeyer


Ingrid Raphaël, Program Director

Anula Shetty, Co-director

Mike Kuetemeyer, Co-director