Once the fire has been started there is no turning back. Trips to Biosphere II and the mock pyramid of the Luxor Hotel reveal commercialism of the future as well as the past. If "technology is final, not optimal," will the Wonderbra save us all?

Coordinating Producers
Michael Kuetemeyer
Jim Ospenson
Meryl Perlson

Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Open - TV Smash - Burial
Modem Path Michael Kuetemeyer
Wolfman Jim Ospenson & Meryl Perlson George Mioch Interview
Building a Fire Dan Kuetemeyer, Ben Johnson, Matthew Fisher, Michael Kuetemeyer
Technology Definition with traffic
Hair Loss Archival Footage from Atomic Cafe
Biosphere Jim Ospenson & Meryl Perlson
Just War Jim Ospenson & Meryl Perlson Professor Darrel Moellendorf Performer
Mercer Museum Michael Kuetemeyer Mary Catherine Bluder Interview
Tamarind Paste Michael Kuetemeyer & Anula Shetty Umba Shetty Interview
Pyramid of Luxor Jim Ospenson & Meryl Perlson
Technology is a product of the desires of a culture
Technology - what is happening to us? Archival Footage from Atomic Cafe
Wonderbra Meryl Perlson Ken Olsen Musician
Credits - Windmills


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