- mature content

Termites ponder the idea of "taboo" across a continuum ranging from venial sin, differing standards of physical hygiene, dominant/submissive relationships and, yes, gay sexuality and masturbation. Shame!
Segment Video Artist Collaborator Role
Pipa Doody in her Panties Meryl Perlson Philipa Hernandez interview
Smash TV Open
ECU Vibrator Meryl Perlson
who among us has not sinned
Confessions Lou Pepe
vibrator and Jesus Meryl Perlson
Religion is the opiate of the masses
The Surreal Thing Mike Kuetemeyer Rob McKellar Community Member
Vibrator in the garden Meryl Perlson
on the road to salvation
Hitchhiking Moral Meryl Perlson
Ablution S. Ashraf Meer
Do unto others. . .
House Boy Jim Ospenson Spryte Community Member
vibrator on pillow Meryl Perlson
if it feels good, do it
Why I Masterbate R Brenin
If Pussy Could Talk Karen Lefkovitz

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